Step 1: Log in to Invoice Crowd

  • Use your credentials to log in to your Invoice Crowd account.

Step 2: Navigate to Invoices

  • From the Dashboard, click on the "Invoices" option.

Step 3: Create or Select an Invoice

  • Create or select the invoice for which you want to set up a partial payment option.

Step 4: Access Payment Options

  • On the invoice page, click on "Manage Pay" to reveal additional payment options.

Step 5: Enable Partial Payments

  • Locate the "Partial Payment" toggle within the "Manage Pay" options. Click this toggle to turn it ON. Once enabled, your customers will have the ability to pay a portion of the total invoice amount at their discretion.

Step 6: Set a Minimum Payment Amount (Optional)

  • If you wish to set a minimum limit for the partial payment, you can do so by enabling the "Minimum Amount" option.
  • After enabling, enter the minimum amount that the customer should pay for each partial payment.
  • Remember, the customers will be prompted to enter an amount higher than the minimum amount you set here.

Step 7: Save Payment Settings

  • After adjusting all settings to your liking, click on the close button and then "Save" the invoice to apply these changes to the invoice.

Step 8: Review Invoice

  • With the partial payment option enabled and minimum amount set (if applicable), the invoice should now show these updated settings. Your customer will have the option to pay a partial amount greater than the minimum amount you set (if any) when they click on the pay button.