Sometimes, customers need to adjust the quantity of items in an estimate to match their specific requirements. Without this feature, businesses may need to revise and resend estimates multiple times, causing delays and inefficiencies.

The Allow Quantity Customization feature enables your customers to edit the quantity of items directly in the estimate, streamlining the approval process.

Steps to Enable Quantity Customization in Estimates

  1. Create or Edit an Estimate

    • Navigate to the Estimates section and create a new estimate or open an existing one.
  2. Enable Quantity Customization

    • In the estimate editor, open the Options panel on the right sidebar.
    • Toggle the Allow Qty Customization option to enable it.
  3. Save and Send the Estimate

    • Save your changes and send the estimate to your customer.
  4. Customer Interaction

    • When your customer views the estimate, they will have the option to adjust item quantities directly.
    • The total amount will update automatically based on their changes.