The Conditional Gateway Fees feature provides you the ability to assign specific fees to various payment gateways, adding an extra layer of flexibility to your payment process. You can set these fees globally through the Business Profile, or tailor them for individual invoices.

Applying Conditional Gateway Fees Globally

  1. Navigate to 'Business Profiles': Go to the 'Business Profiles' section.
  2. Edit a Profile: Choose the profile to which you want to apply conditional gateway fees. This can be an existing profile or a new one you want to create.
  3. Access 'Payment Options': Within the selected profile, click on 'Payment Options'.
  4. Enable and Configure Payment Gateway Fees: Here, you can toggle on the option for payment gateway fees. Once enabled, you can assign different fees for each available payment gateway. Configure Gateway Fees

Applying Conditional Gateway Fees per Invoice

If you wish to customize the gateway fees for individual invoices, here's how to do it:

  1. Access the Invoice Edit Panel: Open the invoice that you want to apply a specific gateway fee to.
  2. Navigate to 'Payment Methods': On the right side of the panel, you will find the 'Payment Methods' section.
  3. Add a Gateway Fee: Here, you can add a fee for the selected payment gateway. The fee you set here will override the global settings, but only for the current invoice.

This feature ensures that you can adjust your gateway fees according to the transaction costs associated with each gateway, providing you the flexibility to manage your payment process more efficiently.